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Greek: Chapter Two
Score: 100%
Rating: TV-14
Publisher: Walt Disney Home

Region: 1
Media: DVD/3
Running Time: 157 Mins.
Genre: Comedy/Drama/Family
Audio: Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround Sound
Subtitles: French, Spanish

  • Audio Commentaries
  • Bloopers
  • Flashback Episode - "And So It Begins"
  • Music Video - "Natural Disaster" By The Plain White T's

When I was in college, I really had a horrible impression of the Greek system (ok, so I still do). Every chick I saw sporting letters was wearing a pink, velor sweatsuit - they must have had closets full of the hideous things, and every guy in a fraternity wore shorts and flip flops like a uniform... even in weather that would make a polar bear want to curl up in front of a fire. They all wore hearts and had fluffy pencils, talked like it was always football practice, and seemed to have the combined intelligence of toe fungus. So, why - when I am so anti-Greek - am I obsessed with the Family Channel show Greek? The show is amazing, and I cannot escape its tractor beam when I see it on! I first reviewed Greek: Chapter One and got hooked... so, when I saw that Greek: Chapter Two was up for grabs, I freaked!

Let me start with a quick summary of Greek: Chapter One. The two main characters are the ever-social Casey Cartwright and her younger (and so much geekier) brother, Rusty. Casey is a Junior and has been in ZBZ - the most popular sorority at Cyprus-Rhodes University - since she arrived at the college. Through some bad decisions on the part of the previous ZBZ president, Frannie, Casey ends up heading up the ZBZ Cyprus-Rhodes University chapter. Her genius brother ends up rushing the most notorious partying fraternity at the college and becomes the Little Brother of "Cappie," Casey's ex boyfriend. Through the season, Casey's current boyfriend, Evan Chambers, cheats on her with a Senator's daughter (Rebecca Logan) and they call it quits. Rusty also goes through some horrible relationship decisions, when his first love, Jen K., ends up being a spy for the newspaper and betrays Casey for her ten minutes of fame. Jen K. outs all of Frannie's horrible decisions in the school paper and lands the entire Greek system under massive restrictions by the administration. By the end of the season, Cappie is sleeping with Rebecca Logan, Frannie is cast out of ZBZ in shame, Rusty and Casey are both heartbroken... and it is time for winter break.

Greek: Chapter Two starts in with Casey and Rusty driving back to school from their house, and Casey chucking a mixed CD out her car window. Rusty is still pining over Jen K., and Casey insists he needs to move on (like she did from Evan) and get over Jen K. However, as it turns out, Casey is so not over Evan Chambers. She has more to worry about, though, than her botched love life. The entire Greek system has declared ZBZ anathema for getting them all docked with horrible restrictions... this wrecks havoc with ZBZ's social life.

While Casey is trying to figure out how to best lead her sorority, in comes Lizzy ("with two ZBZ Z's!") from the national chapter. Lizzy is basically there to monitor the girls and decide what needs to be done after the disaster with Jen K. airing their dirty laundry to the entire campus. Strict curfews, drinking restrictions, and dress codes are enforced on the girls, and they become mutinous. Many of them leave while Casey is presented with the ultimatum of allowing Frannie (who was so instrumental in causing Casey and Evan to break up) back into ZBZ, or keeping Lizzy around until the end of time.

Cappie's fraternity, KT, is the only one associating with ZBZ during this time (mostly because Cappie and Rebecca Logan - Casey's Little Sister - hooked up over the summer). KT an ZBZ decide to throw a rule-breaking, themed party under the noses of Lizzy and the dean. A near disaster convinces Casey that Lizzy must go, so she agrees (begrudgingly) to accept Frannie back into ZBZ... under a three month probationary period where Frannie is not welcome in the house. Not only is Rusty pining over Jen K., but he is having problems maintaining his friendship with Calvin due to the fact they are in competing fraternities. Rusty ends up taped to a wall, and Calvin wakes up to farm animals in the house... this agitates both of them just a tad.

In the coolest episode of the entire Greek series, they do a flashback. It explains so much! Cappie and Evan started their freshman year as best friends and roommates. Evan was the one that dragged Cappie out for rush (suprisingly enough, Evan really wanted to rush KT!), and was disappointed when KT liked Cappie so much more than himself. Casey ends up being the thing that eventually tears them apart. She dated Cappie their first year, and then when he finally lets her down for the umpteenth time... she falls for Evan. The episode shows a softer side to Frannie (before power corrupted her), and allows you to see that Frannie really did care about Casey at one time.

Casey and Frannie end up sorting our their differences in remembrance of old times, and Frannie moves back into the ZBZ house. Too bad Frannie is having issues accepting Casey as president, and Casey is allowing her personal feelings toward Evan interfere with how she runs ZBZ house. Just as Evan decides he wants Casey back, Casey decides she is done and ready to really move on. Frannie is there to comfort Evan, and everyone save him can see that she is falling for him.

Cappie must deal with his feelings for Rebecca, even as Rebecca tries to use their relationship to piss off Casey and her Senator father. Evan does everything in his power (even going so far as to pay a guy $1,000 to keep away from Casey) to keep Casey single. Casey resigns herself to being single and futureless, and Rusty and Calvin aren't on speaking terms. Enter spring break.

By the end of the season finale (and spring break), Rusty and Calvin have made up, Cappie and Rebecca have broken up (and made back up), Frannie and Evan hook up, Cappie kisses Casey, and Casey gets to skinny dip (after three years of chickening out).

Greek: Chapter Two is addictive. I pretty much stayed up all night and watched all twelve episodes in a row. The characters grow and you can't help but want to hug them when they are suffering. Greek: Chapter Two is even better than the first season. The plot is fleshed out, the characters are deeper, and please send me the third season before I explode!

-Phate Kills, GameVortex Communications
AKA Ashley Field
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