The story of Fireproof follows a fireman named Caleb Holt (Kirk Cameron) and his wife, Cathrine (Erin Bethea). Like many couples today, they reach that point in their lives where they cannot stand to hear the other person even breathe in the same room. Each of them blames one another for the things that neither one of them does for the other. I really think that even if you have never been to this point in a relationship before, you can relate to many of the things that they begin take for granted. A boiling point is reached and Catherine announces that it is over. As many of us do, Caleb confides in his parents that things have decayed and his marriage is likely over. His father convinces Caleb to take The 40 Day Love Dare. The dare consisted of reading one page of the love diary each day and doing as it instructed, that is, if he wanted to save his marriage. He soon finds that he has competition to contend with to win his wife's heart back in the form of a young doctor. Both are extremely guilty of trespassing against the other. The difference is that Caleb learned he actually wanted to save his marriage. Through persistence, dedication and prayer, he was able to achieve his goal.
This was done by the group who filmed Flywheel and Facing the Giants. All of the actors, film crews, and talent involved are there on a volunteer basis. If this is not pointed out to you, I promise you would have never known. The expertise that went into the movies was learned the old fashioned way, hard work and trial and error. There are a ton of features for the movie itself. The biggest feature is the movie's website. If you found what you watched inspirational, or if you feel that you need the help, there are resources to get the Love Dare, and other Fireproof material for your marriage.
No one feels they need the help in a relationship, until it turns sour. A movie like this is a great way to deal with these issues before they fester, or pardon the pun, put out the flames before they get too high to control. I understand this is not a movie for everyone, but it is a movie that is worth its weight if you need it. As the success of Facing the Giants did not go unnoticed by most of the Christian community, I know many have at least heard of Fireproof. If you have not heard of Fireproof already, then I would definitely show it to your congregation.