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Sex Drive: Unrated and Cream-Filled 2-Disc Special Edition
Score: 92%
Rating: Not Rated
Publisher: Summit Entertainment
Region: 1
Media: DVD/2
Running Time: 109 Mins. (R-Rated Version), 129
           Mins.(Unrated Version)

Genre: Adult-Themed/Adventure/Comedy
Audio: English: Dolby Digital 5.1,
           Espanol 2.0 (R-rated) / Dolby
           Digital 5.1 (Unrated)

Subtitles: English SDH, Espanol (R-rated
           and Unrated Version)

  • Both Versions (R-rated and Unrated) on One DVD
  • Filmmaker Audio Commentary
  • Special Features DVD with:
    • Sex Drive: Making a Masterpiece
    • The Marsden Dilemma
    • Clark: Duke of the Internet
    • Killing Time in Hollywood (Florida)

When I first heard of Sex Drive, it was presented to me as a spoof of teen sex-trip movies and the whole coming-of-age thing. I'm not sure why I had this in my head, but, in fact, while Sex Drive has a lot of funny parts and its share of references, it's a very entertaining movie all-to-itself.

Be forewarned, however, this is the kind of movie that you will want to watch at the same time as all of your friends; otherwise, you'll keep thinking of funny parts you want to discuss with them, but doing so would spoil their experience.

The basic premise of the movie is that Ian (Josh Zuckerman) is a "nice guy" that has no luck with the ladies. He's tried everything... including flirting on the internet... which his abusive jock brother, Rex (James Mardsen), thinks is ridiculously desparate, but, worse yet, Rex is afraid that his little brother may be "getting gay." When Ian tells his oversexed best friend, Lance (Clark Duke), about the girl he's been chatting up online inviting him to visit her 800 miles away (if he goes all the way there, she'll go all the way, too... wink, wink, nudge, nudge, say no more, say no more...), Lance refuses to let Ian weasel out of it. Things get a bit complicated when Ian's best friend from back-in-the-crib, Felicia (Amanda Crew), who he had promised could crash at his house with him that particular weekend, decides to come along for the ride (without knowing the actual reason for the cross-country trek, of course). So they're off... an unlikely threesome searching for adventure and new experiences, fighting for friendship and trying desparately to complete what they see as a "coming of age" ritual.

It's a bumpy ride, relationship-wise, ultimately with all three having deep-running feelings for the others in various ways. It's entertaining to see how the three interact and grow together and how they get themselves into - and out of - some of the most highly unlikely, yet, ultimately hilarious, situations.

One of my favorite aspects of Sex Drive involves the motley crew visiting some Amish and dealing with a highly sarcastic Amish mechanic (Seth Green) who can basically work magic with a vehicle - all without the use of electricity, of course. The mechanic claims that the reason he's so sarcastic with outsiders is because the Amish don't "get" sarcasm, and he doesn't have much opportunity to use it among them.

In addition to partying with the Amish, you get kinky trailer park sex, a prison fight, a group of dancers backstage and topless after their number and a mexican donut mascot who's a take-charge sort of guy. Well, eventually... and that's just the main feature. There are only four special features, but they're funny in and of themselves. The first three are tongue-in-cheek looks at how the movie was made and discussions about Marsden and Clark. The final one, Killing Time in Hollywood (Florida), is simply some of the actors goofing off in their hotel when they got bored, but it is hilarious in a very "funny-or-die" sort of way. Suffice it to say that it involves a Randy "Macho Man" Savage impression and a tangerine speedo. Hilarious stuff.

As far as the Unrated Version stuff goes, watch the R-rated version first. Seriously. I did - by accident, in fact - and I honestly thought it was the unrated version. The unrated version is really for people who have already seen the film. The nudity is not just gratuitous; there are several times that they frickin' superimposed it. Other times, scenes that feature a brief shot of tits or (ug) nuts are re-edited so that while the dialogue is going on, you're just staring at the nudity. Other times, they have simply used a lot of improvisational takes instead of selecting a single one. This is a neat way to include "deleted scenes" or "extended scenes" by editing them back into the movie. So, be sure you're comfortable with the company you're with when you start to watch the raunchier version. You'll know when you've started playing the Unrated Version when there is an intro by the writers that is done with really bad acting (intentionally), basically poking fun at the idea of "unrated versions," warning you that you should watch the R-rated version first and featuring full-frontal nudity of a black man and a white woman. Yes, in the intro. You've been warned... or clued in, pervert... take your pick.

Sex Drive is definitely dirty and, often, gratuitous, but it's a fun romp and one that manages to be a comedy without making too much fun of itself... at least in the original version.

-Geck0, GameVortex Communications
AKA Robert Perkins
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