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The Bible Stories: Jeremiah
Score: 72%
Rating: Not Rated
Publisher: Sony Pictures Home

Region: 1
Media: DVD/1
Running Time: 95 Mins.
Genre: Family/Drama/Historical
Audio: English Stereo
Subtitles: English, English SDH

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Another in the recent re-release of the series with the same name, The Bible Stories: Jeremiah follows the life of a prophet and the tribulations that he has to endure, all without losing his faith in God. Unlike some of the other stories in the series which are far longer in length and have a bit higher quality to them, this film is of a more normal movie timeframe and presentation for lower budget religious titles.

As the story unfolds, Jeremiah (Patrick Dempsey) has direct encounters with God, who tells him of the times to come. Jeremiah chooses to preach the word of God and warn the people of Jerusalem of their futures without allowing God into their lives. When he does so with the King of Judah, letting him know of an immenent attack if the people do not stop worshiping false idols, Jeremiah is locked up for blasphemy because the people feel he is a false prophet.

However, after the prophesies of Jeremiah come to be when war strikes from Babylon, the King heeds the warnings and releases the slaves. After a while, however, he takes back his word and enslaves the people again, despite the warning that he himself would eventually become a slave to his enemy in Babylon. Jeremiah, unfortunately, remains in jail and keeping his faith in God doesn't dismiss his convictions, even at the death of his love, Judith (Leonor Varela).

As the story progresses, however, revolution becomes a reality and the King is entrapped by his enemy. Hearing of the prophecies of Jeremiah, the King of Babylon asks Jerusalem's King what his future holds. The King mentions that Jeremiah's God said he would not be killed. Because the King of Babylon doesn't want to go against the word of God, instead he takes the lives of the King's sons right before his eyes, and that is the last thing that he ever sees, as his eyes are burned with a hot stone. In the meantime, Jeremiah is found and released by warriors of Nebuchadnezzar just as the jail is about to take his life in a fire.

The Bible Stories: Jeremiah is a pretty good film that follows the life of a prophet who never gives up on God, even during times of tribulation. The lesson in this story is a great message, although the film itself isn't as up to the entertainment level of some others in the series. Nevertheless, The Bible Stories: Jeremiah is still worth a watch for fans of the series. If you can get past the video quality being a bit sub-par and a weird audio glitch that happens in one spot during the movie, it is definitely worth a possible rent or a purchase if you own others in the series.

-Woody, GameVortex Communications
AKA Shane Wodele
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