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The Bounty Hunter
Score: 93%
Rating: PG-13
Publisher: Sony Pictures Home

Region: 1
Media: Blu-ray/2
Running Time: 110 MIns.
Genre: Comedy/Romance/Action
Audio: English, French, Portuguese 5.1
           DTS-HD MA, Spanish, English
           Audio Description Track 5.1
           Dolby Digital; Special Features:
           English Stereo

Subtitles: English, English SDH, French,
           Spanish, Portuguese; Special
           Features: English, Spanish,

  • Making The Bounty Hunter
  • Stops Along the Road
  • Rules for Outwitting a Bounty Hunter
  • Digital Copy

The Bounty Hunter is an absolutely adorable romantic comedy starring Jennifer Aniston and Gerard Butler as Milo Boyd and Nicole Hurley, battling exes on opposite sides of the law. When Nicole, crack investigative reporter, starts digging into a suspicious suicide that she gets an inside lead on, she gets so wrapped up in pursuing her story that she fails to show up for court and a bench warrant is issued for her arrest. Lucky day for her ex, Milo, as he gets the job of hauling her in to jail and what a sweet deal that would be for him, since they didn't part on the best of terms. Meanwhile, Nicole's skeezy co-worker, Stewart (Jason Sudeikis, SNL) has a terrible stalker-crush on her and is also looking for her, under the guise of wanting to work on the big story with her.

Unfortunately for Nicole, her young bartender informant happens to have loose lips and asked the wrong questions, garnering the attention of the wrong people. These folks start hunting for Nicole, while a bookie (Kathy Moriarty) and her idiot minions are on the prowl for Milo since he owes them some cash. Milo catches up with Nicole, only to discover that the story she is working on might just involve a very dear friend of the both of them, so they set out to solve the mystery, while trying to outwit one another as well. Nicole is trying to escape from Milo so he can't turn her into jail, while Milo is just trying to get Nicole's goat.

What I really enjoyed most about The Bounty Hunter is that it wasn't just the romantic comedy fluff that I thought it would be from watching the trailer. Sure, it was definitely a romantic comedy, but there was a nice helping of action mixed in and a good little mystery to unravel as well. The entire movie just had a lot more depth than I had anticipated and it made it all the more sweet. Gerard Butler and Jennifer Aniston have terrific chemistry together and there were definitely sparks flying. They both made the movie lots of fun to watch, but the supporting cast is fantastic as well. Jason Sudeikis was laugh-out-loud funny and Christine Baranski as Nicole's mom, Kitty, was absolutely hysterical.

The special features are few, but good. There's a making-of, a featurette on the locations that The Bounty Hunter took place at, plus a short one on how to avoid a bounty hunter, using clips from the movie. There is also a digital copy of the movie included as well. As for the fact that the film was on Blu-ray, it looked and sounded crystal clear, but this isn't necessarily the type of movie that begs for high def. Obviously, if you have the option, go for the Blu-ray version, but it would be fine on standard DVD as well, just not quite as pretty.

Overall, I'd highly recommend The Bounty Hunter. It's a great popcorn flick and a really funny movie.

-Psibabe, GameVortex Communications
AKA Ashley Perkins
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