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Power Rangers Super Samurai: Volume 2 - Super Showdown
Score: 75%
Rating: Not Rated
Publisher: Lionsgate Home Entertainment
Region: 1
Media: DVD/1
Running Time: 94 Mins.
Genre: Action/Martial Arts/TV Series
Audio: English 5.1 Dolby Digital Audio,
           Spanish and French 2.0 Dolby
           Digital Audio

Subtitles: Closed Captioned (Not on DVD)

  • "Everyday Fun" Music Video
  • Weapons Gallery

Power Rangers Super Samurai: Volume 2 - Super Showdown continues the second season of the show and picks up after the first 4 episodes. Again the Pink, Red, Yellow, Blue, Green, and Gold Rangers team up to fight the ongoing threat of Master Xandred. Again, there are only 4 episodes on this DVD, and you’ve got 12 to go, so it’s going to take quite a bit of collecting to get the full second season together.

Either way, there’s some interesting developments in this set of episodes. The Rangers get a new Zord on their side, the BullZord, but only after struggling to tame it. There’s also some drama with Kevin, who deals with the pain of having to quit the swim team in order to keep his identity a secret. There’s also some scheming going on behind the scenes with the villains. Serrator enlists the help of Dayu, who was cast away by Xandred. An old enemy, Deker, also returns to cause trouble and confusion. And although I didn’t think they could attach more stuff to their big combination Zord, they put everything together to form the Samurai Gigazord. Really, they just keep piling more stuff onto this thing; I don’t know where it can go from here.

The plot developments of the 4 episodes on this DVD make it pretty interesting, but it is just another 4 episodes. The special features on this DVD are pretty similar to the ones in Volume 1. In fact, the "Everyday Fun" music video is exactly the same, making it not such a "special" feature. At least the Weapons Gallery is informative. There’s a lot of lore a fan can obtain from this feature, such as the history of the Zords and the weapons the Rangers use. There’s not much more to mention about this DVD, but it’s definitely something you need to pick up if you’re trying to collect all of the Super Samurai season.

-Fights with Fire, GameVortex Communications
AKA Christin Deville
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