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My Little Pony - Friendship is Magic: A Pony for Every Season
Score: 73%
Rating: TV-Y
Publisher: Shout! Factory
Region: 1
Media: DVD/1
Running Time: 135 Mins.
Genre: Animated/TV Series
Audio: 5.1 Surround
Subtitles: Closed Captioned for the Hearing

  • Winter Wrap Up Sing-Along

My Little Pony - Friendship is Magic: A Pony for Every Season is yet another compilation DVD that follows in the footsteps of other DVDs like My Little Pony - FIM: The Friendship Express and My Little Pony - FIM: Adventures in the Crystal Empire. Like those previous compilations, this one hops around Seasons 1 through 3. Season 4 is due in November 2013, so this is likely the last DVD compilation we’ll see before Season 4 really gets underway. Then we’ll likely see another DVD with the first two episodes of Season 4: "Princess Twilight Sparkle - Part 1" and "Princess Twilight Sparkle - Part 2." I'd say it would be titled Princess Twilight Sparkle, but that one is already taken by a previous DVD. What a mystery! I predict it will be titled Sparkle Twilight Princess. Good thing they don’t put me in charge of these things.

The packaging has at least been upgraded a touch. Now you’ll see the episode list on the back includes not only the episode name, but the pony of interest in each episode. So they are listed as follows on the back of the box: "Rainbow Dash: Wonderbolt Academy," "Rarity: Look Before You Sleep," "Applejack: Apple Family Reunion," "Fluttershy: Keep Calm and Flutter On," "Twilight Sparkle: Winter Wrap Up," and "Pinkie Pie: Too Many Pinkie Pies." If you have a favorite pony, you’ll know just where to go when you pop in this DVD.

There are some real gems here, no doubt about it. Fluttershy especially gets to shine in her biggest challenge yet in "Keep Calm and Flutter On." Her kindness is tested to the limit, as Celestia has charged her with reforming the villianous creature, Discord. He pushes and pushes, always teasing or taking advantage of Fluttershy’s kindness. The episode isn’t one of my favorites, probably only because I’m not a Fluttershy fan. But the more I look at the outcome, and how she resolves it, the more I appreciate it. Fluttershy has no amazing skills, no magic, and no real talents other than being kind. And to see the power of that featured in this episode: it’s a nice eye opener. Fluttershy takes some time to really appreciate as a character (unless the "moe" type is your favorite), and watching this episode a couple times really makes her shine.

"Winter Wrap Up" is a cute episode just for the fact that it builds out the world of Ponyville. I always love episodes that help build the world, and this is a great one. We learn that Ponyville doesn’t exactly obey our laws of nature. It seems the seasons don’t change without the intervention of the ponies. They have to physically move the snow, bring back the birds, move the clouds, etc. It’s an interesting concept to think that the seasons don’t change without help.

Of course, the Pinkie Pie episode is as crazy as you’d expect. Pinkie worries that she will miss out on fun that might be happening somewhere if she’s having fun in another place. So she goes to a magic underground lake and undergoes a ritual that clones herself. Soon Ponyville is overrun with Pinkie Pies. Even though she’s not my favorite character, this episode pokes fun at the ridiculous nature of Pinkie Pie, and shows that even Pinkie herself is aware of how ridiculous she is. There’s even a poke at the last generation of My Little Pony cartoons in this episode, which only Pinkie could do right. So it ends up being pretty funny, overall.

Although there are some good episodes here, don't expect the best of the best on this DVD. It's obviously missing some of the big moments of the 3 Seasons (the big showdown with Discord and the coronation of princess Twilight are just a couple of these "big" episodes). It doesn't have the show-stopping season openers like some of the previous DVDs. Therefore, it doesn't have the big action and drama of those DVDs. That doesn't mean these are throw-away episodes, but just be prepared to see some of the more "regular" episodes of the show. Overall this is a good compilation, but then it’s a compilation. I still won’t change my mind on what I think about compilation DVDs, but hey, they’re still going to keep getting made. There’s a sing-a-long bonus feature that has the "Winter Wrap Up" song on it, but not much else. So check out the episode list and make sure you like them. But other than that, keep waiting for a full season release. This should be enough to tide fans over until the next season starts!

-Fights with Fire, GameVortex Communications
AKA Christin Deville
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