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Johnny Kapahala: Back on Board
Score: 90%
Rating: TV-G
Publisher: Buena Vista
Region: 1
Media: DVD/1
Running Time: 92 Mins.
Genre: Family/Sports/Drama
Audio: Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround Sound
Subtitles: None

  • The Dirt on Dirtboarding - Interviews with the Cast and Crew
  • Angle On: Board Stunts - Closeups on Mountain-Board Stunts at Selectable Angles with Commentary by Akoni Kama
  • "No Sleep 'Til Summertime" Music Video
  • "Hold On" Music Video
  • Making of The Jonas Brothers' Music Video
  • Fullscreen (1.33:1)

I have to admit that Johnny Kapahala: Back on Board was not exactly what I expected. But then, I wasn't familiar with Johnny Kapahala. For those of you in the same boat as me, Johnny Kapahala is, evidently, "everybody's favorite teen surfing and snowboarding champ," or so Disney would have us believe. Whereas I was expecting that this might be a simple grind and trick video featuring mountain-boards, it turned out to be something different.

First of all, if you're looking for some sick mountain-board action, don't leave just yet, because it's in there. Not only that, but there's some surfing and some skateboarding thrown in for good measure. If you're mainly interested in seeing some cool mountain-board tricks, you'll want to check out the special feature, Angle On: Board Stunts. In this feature, mountain-boarding legend Akoni Kama gives some commentary on different mountain-board tricks as you interactively select from three different camera views of the trick being performed. Wicked.

There is much more to Johnny Kapahala: Back on Board than just the stunts, however, as, in a typical Disney style, there is an actual storyline with morals to be learned. Johnny Kapahala: Back on Board has our hero, Johnny Kapahala returning to Hawaii to attend his grandfather's wedding. He is intent on catching some waves with his grandfather, the legendary Johnny Tsunami, (who taught him how to surf in the first place) while he's back in Hawaii, but he instead ends up "Uncle sitting" Chris, the 12-year-old son of his grandfather's fiancée. Chris is interested in joining the "Dirt Devils," a mountain-boarding team with a shop directly across from Johnny Tsunami's new surf shop that he's trying to help his fiancée re-open and run.

There is a lot of tension between Johnny Kapahala and Chris, as Chris comes to terms with his mother's upcoming marriage and being moved to Hawaii. There is also tension from the rivalry between the "Dirt Devils" mountain-boarding shop and Johnny Tsunami's surf shop, especially after Chris' interest in mountain-boarding leads Grandpa to diversify into mountain-boards as well as surf gear.

Johnny Kapahala: Back on Board presents a nice, family-oriented story that shows that family can hold out against all odds. It also shows a lot of exciting footage of mountain-board, skateboard and surfboard action, giving Johnny Kapahala: Back on Board the ability to hold the interest of a more diversified audience. I would recommend it for anyone who's a fan of Disney's family movies or anyone who simply wants to check out some cool mountain-board action.

-Geck0, GameVortex Communications
AKA Robert Perkins

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