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Hannah Montana: One in a Million
Score: 90%
Rating: G
Publisher: Walt Disney Home

Region: 1
Media: DVD/1
Running Time: 92 Mins.
Genre: Comedy/Family/Musical
Audio: Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround Sound

  • Backstage Disney
  • Music and More
  • Bonus Episode

Hannah Montana: One in a Million starts out with "Lilly's Mom Has Got it Goin' On" (and boy, does she). The gorgeous mother of Lilly is played by Heather Locklear, and she ends up going on a date with Miley's (Hannah's) father. Best friends Lilly and Miley are totally stoked when they think their parents' budding romance will make them real life sisters.

Miley and Lilly's ideas of sisterhood go out the window when the date between their parents goes poorly. It takes them a day or two, but the girls finally manage to figure out that the dispute was over who paid the check. Miley's father insisted on paying the bill, and Lilly's independent mother was equally insistent on chipping in.

A rift develops between Miley and Lilly, while their parents gripe at each other. Somehow a fishfight breaks out at school and in the midst of all the flying fish, they realize their friendship should withstand their quarreling parents.

Hannah Montana: One in a Million's second episode, "Me and Mr. Jonas and Mr. Jonas and Mr. Jonas," has Miley and Lilly cross-dressing. Hannah (Miley's famous alter ego) is at the recording studio waiting with her father to use the sound booth. She is impatient to use the booth and head out to meet Lilly for some serious shoe shopping. The Jonas Brothers pop out of the studio and geek out over Hannah's song-writing father, Robby Ray.

The Jonas Brothers are totally in love with Robby Ray, and start taking up a lot of his attention. Robby even writes a song for the brothers, and Miley gets hardcore jealous over her father's divided attention. Miley devises a plan to get her father back, which involves she and Lilly dressing as slightly retarded rocker boys. They name themselves Milo and Otis (hah!), and claim that Robby Ray stole their song from them.

In the end, Miley and Lilly end up confessing their sin to the brothers and Hannah gets to do a song with the Jonas Brothers. There are a lot of marshmallow guns in this episode. It made me happy.

The third episode of Hannah Montana: One in a Million is aptly named "I Will Always Loathe You." Hannah has won an award (International Music Award's Female Artist of the Year) that her father will be presenting to her, and her grandmother and aunt are in town. Unfortunately, Robby Ray's mother and Miley's Aunt (Dolly Parton!) cannot stand each other.

The feud started when Miley's grandmother (Ruthie) fell in love with Elvis Presley, and Dolly's character (also named Dolly) stole her away. The feuding girls really start to rain on Miley's parade, and she starts to wish that the family would get over their little tiff. Miley and Lilly decide to play dress up again (Lilly as Ruthie and Miley as Dolly) to show the girls how ridiculous they are being.

The little play backfires, and Miley snaps and tells them that they should both leave. The feuding couple come crawling back to Miley and promise to get along. Apparently, their promise doesn't extend through the majority of the award show and they get into an epic battle on the stage.

"That's What Friends are For?" is the final installation of Hannah Montana: One in a Million. Hannah and her arch rival, Mikayla, are working the United Peoples Relief Telethon, and at each other's throats. When Miley returns home from the annoying experience, Jake is standing on her deck. You might remember Jake from my last review. He was a dork... and apparently still is. Jake (the superstar actor) and Miley had dated previously, and he returns to say "let's just be friends!" Jerk.

Jake's return goes from bad to worse when he announces that he will be starring in his new movie with Mikayla. Miley becomes so jealous that she can't see straight, and comes up with one of her infamous plans to get Mikayla fired from the movie. The fun part of this episode is that Miley (acting as Miley and not Hannah) has to pretend like she is all buddy-buddy with Mikayla.

Miley ends up locking Mikayla out of the studio and taking her place on the set. She acts like such a little brat that Jake demands for her to be fired. Of course, Miley gets caught in the act and ends up looking like a total twirp. She also has to confess to Jake that she was jealous, and they shoot for the friends bit again. In the end, Mikayla demands that Miley be her friend so they can talk crap about Hannah Montana.

Hannah Montana: One in a Million was actually really entertaining! It had quite a few guest stars, and the humor was adult enough that even I got into it. I wouldn't really go out and buy it for myself, but if I had a niece I wouldn't hesitate to sink the money for the series. It's cute! Watch it when you're bummed.

-Phate Kills, GameVortex Communications
AKA Ashley Field

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