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R.O.D The TV (Vol. 2): The Undercover Student
Score: 95%
Rating: 13+
Publisher: Geneon Animation
Region: 1
Media: DVD/1
Running Time: 100 minutes
Genre: Anime/Action
English & Japanese 5.1
Subtitles: English

  • Episode 5 Commentary (Voice Director & Principle Voice Talent)
  • Japanese Previews
  • Art Gallery

Like a Cheetah hitting third gear on the plains of the Serengeti, R.O.D The TV (Vol. 2), subtitled The Undercover Student, loses little time in putting the viewer back in the driver?s seat. No time for introductions. If you need introductions, go back to my review of R.O.D The TV (Vol. 1) (do not pass Go, do not collect $200).

But because we?re not as harsh as the people who make episodic Japanese anime television programs, let?s take a moment for -- ta dah!!! -- recap time!

Nenene Sumiregawa, an author with writer?s block, is being protected from bad guys by the three sisters who founded the Paper Sisters Detective Agency. Michelle, Maggie, and Anita, the detectives, love books and can control paper in very unique ways. For instance, Michelle fashions defensive instruments, Maggie can make huge paper constructs (like birds and such) and Anita can hurl sheets and cards like steel-hardened daggers, knives, and spikes.

In R.O.D The TV (Vol. 2), Nenene begins to write again. In the odd numbered (action) episodes, the three sisters are compelled to work on missions assigned to them by Dokusensha, Inc. so they can make money to live on (and splurge on more books to feed their passion for paper). In the even numbered (placid) episodes, the sisters find new connections, socialize, goof off, and such -- y?know, character stuff.

In ?They Shout,? the sisters are on the road to collect a book that has been missing for some time. It?s not a kickin? little trip to the local library, however. This book is hidden in a fortress, and, of course, there are a bunch of bad guys. One pro for this episode is that the chickilinas are dressed in tight-fitting shorts and sleeveless tops. All the better to punch your library card.

?The Right Stuff? shows off a bit more character building, for Maggie and Michelle at home, and for Anita at school. Anita brings a school friend home for a visit. This turns out to be a problem for Michelle because the new girl turns out to be a book lover (Anita is not).

In a cool twist on the Sealed Room Mystery and films like ?Dark City,? the next episode, ?In A Grove,? follows Maggie and Anita?s efforts to locate Michelle when she is abducted from a restroom with only one exit. At the heart of the mystery is a low level character actor with the unique ability to blend into almost every situation.

In the last episode, ?Seduced by the Night,? Anita and some of her classmates stake out the library to find out what (or whom) is repeatedly ransacking the library. Other forces swirl about, too -- deadly forces.

The extras on R.O.D The TV (Vol. 2) are pretty humdrum. The teasers for each episode are viewable, and there is a gallery of production artwork. There is also a commentary track from the voice director and some of the actors [Talison Jaffe, Hunter MacKenzie Austin (Michelle), Rachel Hirchfeld (Anita), and Sara Lahti (Maggie), respectively] that runs on the first episode (Episode Five: ?They Shout?). While this commentary is sometimes illuminating, it comes off more like a bunch of sugar?d (or liquored) up teenagers at a late night slumber party. And if the commentary participants were paid by the word, they?d all be long since retired.

If you?re a fan of R.O.D The TV, you?ll love the fact that this series doesn?t cover old material again and again. Rather, it adds onto what you?ve already learned to create new complexities and subtleties. It?s also very nice that even though character arcs transcend episodes, each show is self contained.

-Jetzep, GameVortex Communications
AKA Tom Carroll

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