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Michael Schenker: Temple of Rock

Usually the first thing that you wonder about a band is what do they sound like. I would bet that you can guess at the sound of Michael Schenker: Temple of Rock just by looking at the cover, as they did a very good job of representing the music simply with the picture. The band has a very 80's rock feeling, with a bit of a power metal sound. Michael Schenker consists of the band's namesake on guitars, Michael Voss singing, Herman Rarebell on Drums, Pete Way on bass, and Wayne Findlay on keyboards.

To start off the album, the immortal William Shatner has a minute long speech. His voice sounds a bit deeper and the familiar speech pattern isn't recognizable though, so if it hadn't specified that it was him, there is no way I would have recognized the voice. "Intro" fades right into "How Long," which starts the album off with a solid 80's rock sound. You will hear it again to close out the album as well, but the second time is the "3 Generations Guitar Battle Version" with Michael Amott and Leslie West playing the additional guitars to battle it out with Michael Schenker. "How Long" feels like a classic rock anthem with a sound that makes you feel like it should be heard live in a huge stadium with fans chanting all around. The next song is "Fallen Angel," which transitions into a true 80's hair metal sound, which is not a bad thing. There are still a lot of us who loved hair metal, so it's nice to have some new sounds of it sometimes. It reminds me vaguely of a Poison song with the same title, but I think that's more because the titles are the same and because the tone of the song is similar.

For yet another different sound, there is "Miss Claustrophobia," which has a very Celtic-sounding guitar riff, except much faster. It's a very interesting, unique sound and I quite like it. Next though, they go back to a slower sound in "With You." It is one of a couple of love songs on the album. "Lover's Sinfony" is also a pretty love song that comes in later in the album. After "With You," the band changes sounds yet again with "Before the Devil Knows You're Dead." It reminds me of "Rainbow in the Dark" by Ronnie James Dio. It's got a very power metal feel to it. Further on in is "Saturday Night" which makes me think of Bon Jovi because it sounds so much like them, which is interesting as they also have a song called "Saturday Night." There are quite a few songs that I haven't mentioned, but they are more or less similar to one of the many different sounds I've previously mentioned that Michael Schenker can produce. This band is quite talented with the range of genres they cover, which makes it very difficult to pin them down to one style. I think that you should check them out if you like any of the sounds I've mentioned as they are a varied group that should have something that will entertain you. Their US tour will be kicking off on February 15th in California as well, so you can catch them at a city near you soon!

-Cyn, GameVortex Communications
AKA Sara Earl
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