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Yu-Gi-Oh: The Movie
Publisher: 4Kids Entertainment

With the recent release of the Yu-Gi-Oh Movie into theaters, the soundtrack wasn't bound to be far behind.

The Yu-Gi-Oh: The Movie soundtrack is filled with 12 songs from The Black Eyed Peas, John Sieger and Norman J. Grossfeld, The Deleted, The Jon Fredrik Band, Wayne Sharpe and Trixie Reiss and Fatty Koo. These songs range from alternative to rock and hip-hop, each with an upbeat tone and a positive message.

I never got bored with this CD. I popped it into my laptop and had it playing on a continuous loop in the background as I worked on various projects -- it was a great tool for letting me focus on the jobs I had to accomplish.

Several of the songs on Yu-Gi-Oh: The Movie can be found on other Yu-Gi-Oh CD's like "One Card Short" and the "Yu-Gi-Oh Theme", but there are also a few that come straight from the movie, like "Power Within".

While most of the songs can be related to Yu-Gi-Oh rather easily ("Shadow Games" and "You're Not Me") there are a few whose connection to the monster-filled cartoon series can be questioned, like "For the People".

I'm not saying that any of these songs are bad -- they are all great and definitely appropriate for kids. In fact I would gladly allow my six-year-old brother (and huge Yu-Gi fan) to listen to this CD over and over again.

-J.R. Nip, GameVortex Communications
AKA Chris Meyer
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