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On the Road: Book 2 (Life After War)

On the Road: Book 2 (Life After War), the second book in Angela White's post-apocalyptic series, chronicles exactly what it appears - a twisted version of the cross-country family road trip. With Angela having reconnected with her long-lost first love Brady and her determination to catch up with Kenn, her abusive husband, who currently has her teenaged son, Charlie, you can be assured the trip is anything but boring. For starters, Angela has trouble trusting any man and Brady is no exception, despite the fact that he appears committed to her and to helping her find Charlie, when it appears that Kenn simply left her to fend for herself. As the pair make their way across the dangerous countryside, they draw closer, and Angela realizes Brady not only loves her unconditionally, but also wants her to become the strong woman she was when they were first together. He teaches her as much as he can of his Marine training, allowing her to learn to protect herself, which comes in handy several times.

One of those times involves a pair of vicious brothers determined to possess Angela, and Brady stops just shy of killing them, at Angela's request. This is a big mistake, since Dean and Dillan hold quite a grudge against the two and make it their business to follow them all the way to Safe Haven, Adrian's refuge for survivors. Through a pact with Cesar, the leader of the Mexican Slavers, the twins hope to finally offer a bit of payback to Angela, Brady, and his wolf-dog companion, Dog.

Meanwhile, Samantha is still on her own, in the freezing temperatures, and has battles of her own, including a deadly encounter with a hungry pack of wolves, an infected bite and a bout with morphine addiction, but worst of all, getting caught by Cesar's group. Although beaten and abused, she still has a spark of fire within her and crafts a plan for escape.

As Angela and Brady draw closer to Safe Haven and to the inevitable reunion with a very angry and jealous Kenn, he starts to question whether he can allow Angela back, since she may very well jeopardize his new place as Second in Command to Adrian at Safe Haven. He thought for sure she would die along the way, but she has survived and, through their connection, even managed to provide him with a little advanced knowledge of a deadly storm, earning him some kudos from Adrian. For Adrian, the charismatic leader of Safe Haven, it is a dream come true as he has been searching every survivor for someone special, with gifts, just like him. But what will he do when he realizes the one with the gifts isn't Kenn, but his battered wife?

On the Road: Book 2 is a bridge to the next novel, but it's a really entertaining one. While there is a little too much romance in the Angela/Brady story, there's still plenty of nail-biting action to even things out. The story continues with Safe Haven: Book 3, so look for my review soon!

-Psibabe, GameVortex Communications
AKA Ashley Perkins
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