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Primal by D.A. Serra is a gripping, visceral tale of a mother pushed to the brink when her family is brutalized by a group of cold-hearted killers during what is supposed to be a family vacation.

Alison Kraft isn't the outdoorsy type and wasn't too happy when her husband and young son decided on a fishing trip for the family's summer vacation. Camping in a remote cabin with no indoor plumbing just wasn't what she had in mind and getting seasick on the boat ride to the island was the icing on the cake. Fate intervenes when Alison gets sick in the bathroom of the main lodge just before a group of murderous brothers bursts into the lodge, three of whom just sprung their brother, Ben, from prison only a week before he was set to be executed. Alison is able to sneak outside and, despite her French tip manicure, draws on her primal need to protect her family, even as she sees them being abused through the lodge's window.

Alison draws on an internal reserve she never knew she had, but the events of what happened on that island continue to haunt her for weeks afterward. As Alison's sanity starts to crumble and her family begins to fear her behavior, she realizes that she must accept the fact that she is finally safe and sound. But is she? Primal wraps up in a riveting climax that will keep you on the edge of your seat until the final page.

I honestly loved Primal. It is incredibly well-written with deep, emotionally-charged characters and a storyline punctuated with fear and adrenaline. I found Primal to be an incredibly quick read, mostly because I had a hard time putting it down. I also liked the fact that author D.A. Serra delved into the emotional spiral eclipsing Alison's life after the horrifying events on the island and wasn't content to simply go for all-out action, although there's action a-plenty. I highly recommend Primal if you are looking for a thriller to read this summer. You won’t be disappointed.

-Psibabe, GameVortex Communications
AKA Ashley Perkins
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