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Fixer is a departure - but a riveting and good one - for author Gene Doucette, who pens the brilliant Immortal series. The novel's protagonist, Corrigan Bain, calls himself a "fixer" because he can see somewhat into the future and spends his days preventing dangerous accidents and deaths. He is compelled to do so based on a long-ago promise and he's good at what he does. The fact that he is mysteriously independently wealthy also helps out a lot. One day, he happens to prevent the accidental death of a professor from MIT and his life becomes forever changed.

Professor Archibald Calvin becomes a bit obsessed with Bain and shares his findings with his brilliant MIT colleagues who, in turn, become determined to figure out Bain's mystery. In doing so, they upset "something" that didn't want to be noticed and set off a deadly chain of events. When they begin dying, one by one, FBI agent Maggie Trent, friend and sometimes lover of Corrigan Bain, brings Bain in to consult on the case. Even though the FBI is convinced these deaths are all accidental, Trent is not so sure. Bain may be the only person capable of stopping whatever is killing these people, but in order to do so, he will have to reconcile a horrifying event that occurred in his childhood where he came face to face with something very similar. Can he put a stop to the deadly rampage before he loses his mind? After all, Bain is constantly plagued by those souls he didn't manage to save and their ongoing mantra, "Corrigan Bain is going insane" just might come to pass.

Fixer is a fantastic book and I thoroughly enjoyed it and all of the characters, especially Corrigan Bain. It jumps around in time a bit, much like Bain himself, going from the present to Bain's childhood, and quite a few places in between to explain the relationships Bain has with Maggie Trent, Professor Calvin and the various other entities in his life. Towards the end of the book, there's a chapter that goes a bit off into crazyville and I had to back up a few pages and re-read it, once I realized what was going on. It's needed to explain what Bain is dealing with, but it's quite a bit different that the rest of the book and requires processing the information a bit differently. However, I was rather pleased with how everything plays out straight through to the end. Gene Doucette hasn't disappointed me yet and is still at the very top of my current list of favorite authors. Do yourself a favor and check out Fixer if you like a book with action, mystery, thrills, science and a dash of romance. I loved it and it comes out Spring 2013.

-Psibabe, GameVortex Communications
AKA Ashley Perkins
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