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Louisiana Lucky

Louisiana Lucky by South Louisiana native Julie Pennell follows the three Breaux sisters after they win the Powerball lottery and forever change their lives.

Eldest sister Hanna is married to Tom and has two young kids, Drake and Lucy. They live in the house Tom's grandparents left to him and it is falling apart, but has the potential to be their dream home, if only Tom had time. Unfortunately, he's too busy building other people's homes to get around to renovating their own, and after Hanna gets home from the nursing home where she works, she doesn't have much energy either.

Middle sister Callie is a reporter at the Brady Herald, their hometown's local newspaper, and she eats, sleeps, and breathes the next big story. She doesn't have time for frivolous stuff like makeup and fashion, but instead is focused on local happenings like the levee work that she suspects has taken some dangerous shortcuts.

The youngest is Lexi, a hairdresser who is engaged to a wonderful vet-in-training named Seth. He's handsome, down-to-earth, and absolutely perfect, except for his incredibly wealthy family who has a way of making Lexi feel like she's just not good enough for their son. Her future mother-in-law, Nancy, wants a lavish wedding, but Seth doesn't want his parents' money and prefers a simple affair on he and Lexi's own terms.

The sisters have been playing the lottery as a girls' night ritual for three years, always buying three tickets - 2 quick-picks and one with their special numbers, a blend of meaningful dates to all of them. The night that the Powerball hits 204 million dollars, their special numbers come up and they just can't believe it. In an instant, all three girls are millionaires! Surely, all of their dreams will come true now that money is no object.

The trio decide to be wise with their money and do things like take care of their parents and take the family on a well-deserved Disney trip, but then life starts pulling at them. Hanna decides her kids need to be enrolled in the local elite private school so they get the very best education, but she never expected to be snubbed by the wealthy Lululemon-clad moms who patrol the school's grounds. Perhaps buying that mansion she's been eyeing that Tom worked on last year and filling it with beautiful goods from Pottery Barn will help her fit in.

Lexi finally has the money to have her dream wedding, but Seth is still hesitant to let his mom get a foothold in the wedding planning, for fear she'll take over, but poor Lexi is desperate for Nancy's approval and soon things begin to snowball. At least money isn't the problem.

Meanwhile, Callie is going to remain at her job and stay on the levee story, but finances are tight at the paper and they have to let more people go soon, since subscriptions are way down. Fortunately, she loves her job and she's essential to the paper, so she and her co-worker, crush, and best friend, Garrett, aren't in jeopardy. Sadly, Garrett seems to view her as one of the guys and love just doesn't seem to be in the cards for her. At least, that's what she thought until she meets dashing Wynn Kernstone, a handsome blonde local newscaster who happens to be at the lottery press conference and he takes an interest in her. Perhaps romance is in her future after all.

Naturally, lots more happens, but I'll leave that to be discovered by the reader. I absolutely loved Louisiana Lucky. It's a quick and fun read, and while it isn't my typical story (I prefer thrillers), I thoroughly enjoyed it. The characters are endearing, the story is believable, and it hit me in my Louisiana nostalgia feels. Check it out for yourself.

-Psibabe, GameVortex Communications
AKA Ashley Perkins
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