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The Assassins of Consequence: Maradaine Novels - Book 4
Publisher: DAW Books, Inc.

Continuing the series that started off Marshall Ryan Maresca's Maradaine Saga, The Assassins of Consequence: Maradaine Novels - Book 4 follows young Veranix Calbert, a magic student at the University of Maradaine who just happens to be a vigilante known as The Thorn.

While juggling life as a college student and a vigilante can be daunting, Veranix has found a bit of a stride lately. Backed by his friends Kaiana and Delmin, and more recently Mila, he has not only been able to keep his two lives going, but it seems there is serious progress being made against the drug effite and the kingpin running its sale, Willem Fenmere. Of course, that kind of balance can't really last very long. For one thing, a prison break has just released several notable enemies from The Thorn's past, and when they decide to join forces with Fenmere, no one who has allied themselves with The Thorn will be safe.

Meanwhile, in Veranix's non-vigilante life, his schooling has taken a drastic change as new, more militaristic views are being taught at the University. While he is able to keep up with the shift in teaching styles, he knows it's not Delmin's strong suit. Just to add further complications, it seems the parents of Parsons, one of Veranix's classmates, are bringing some rather unique talent into the Lower Trenn Ward to help their son's effitte overdose.

This supposed psychic claims to be able to cure those who are stuck in the drug's odd trance, but he wants to test his skills on others in the ward before trying to heal Parsons. As Tor Rassin looks over the other patients, he seems to pick up a connection between Veranix and his mother, a connection that Veranix has been trying to keep secret from all but his closest friends. Veranix knows that Fenmere put his mother in the hospital, and he also knows that Fenmere is watching for anyone to show an interest in her because that person would be a threat to the drug lord.

Over the course of The Assassins of Consequence, Veranix will face challenges he hasn't had to tackle before. While the convicts have all had their chance to take down The Thorn in the past, they haven't had the opportunity to work together quite like this, especially with Fenmere backing them. Veranix will have to call on help and favors from everyone willing to aid him if he is able to get through the fights ahead in one piece. One thing is certain though, life for Veranix won't be the same after the dust settles and the bodies are tallied.

Maresca continues to weave interesting, distinct stories with overlapping characters and references to his other Maradaine Saga series. Mila has started her schooling at the University of Maradaine, effectively shifting her from The Streets of Maradaine series to this one, and Minox Welling of The Maradaine Constabulary series also shows up a few times. After all, someone has to teach the officer how to control his magical hand. It's touchpoints like these that help to make the overall series feel more alive, especially since all of the main characters finally met and helped each other in People of the City: Maradaine Elite - Book 3. But even though the larger story is unfolding, it's nice to see the books can still narrow down on each series' focus.

From what I can tell, Maresca has big plans for this world and these characters, and he is only just getting started. I can't wait to see how the next part of this story plays out.

-J.R. Nip, GameVortex Communications
AKA Chris Meyer
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