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Johnny Action Figure: Good Eye

Johnny Action Figure is a band that's new to me, but feels almost like a band I may have been listening to for years. The selection of songs on their album Good Eye is a combination of both upbeat and happy tunes and melancholy songs that make you want to have a glass of wine on a rainy day and just chill. This Philadelphia indie rock group consisting of bandmates CF, Brendan Fullam, Brad Rittle and Chris Sheehan really reminds me of fellow Philadelphia rockers The John Faye Power Trip, (formerly The Caulfields and presently IKE). At other times, I get a real Shins vibe going on. With the amazing harmonizing going on, they even have a Beach Boys thing happening, just without the surfer dude mentality behind the songs. The title track, Phantom Blues, reminds me a bit of The Mighty Mighty Bosstones, a little bit ska and jazz. There's even a healthy dash of Elliott Smith and Badly Drawn Boy in here, especially in the track Fill Your Tub.

There's definitely an eclectic mix here, with sounds ranging from rockin' guitar to gentle piano-driven tracks, plus a smattering of horns here and there. If you are looking for a fresh indie-alternative band filled with beautiful and mellow harmonies, check out Johnny Action Figure's latest album, Good Eye. You can even listen to sample of the songs on their MySpace page, so you have nothing to lose and a potential new favorite band to gain. Recommended.

-Psibabe, GameVortex Communications
AKA Ashley Perkins
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